
Saturday, October 2, 2010


I believe in the power of relationship. God is a relational God as evidenced in the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) God created us to be in relationship with each other. As a Christian counselor relationship is important. Although I have the academic credentials, I don't consider myself a "know it all" when it comes to entering into the personal stories of the people to whom I minister God's grace. Instead I consider myself a fellow traveler, walking alongside the people who have given me a sacred trust, to hear the stories of their lives. In walking alongside people I too am blessed as God has spoken to me through their stories. I share with you a poem that a client shared with me. It is simple but speaks volumes. My client who I will call Amy found this poem written on the inside of a closet in the apartment she is living in. Aside from her full time job, Amy cares for an elderly couple who need supervision especially at night. Amy is currently separated from her husband who is an active substance abuser and has been domestically abusive towards Amy. In a moment of despair, Amy was cleaning out this particular closet and discovered the following words. It is another example of God creating in the darkness of the poet's life and touching Amy with words of hope and encouragement. 

"I place this day, my life, my loved ones in the Lord's Hands.. For there is no harm, In the Lord's Hands, Only good, whatever happens, whatever results, In the Lord's Hands... If I am in the Lord's Hands, my life is his will And it is Good!!"  

Amy shared this with me and I look at it often. May it bless and encourage you.
Pastor Sheree

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