
Sunday, May 30, 2021

We Remember

 "And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is My body given for you; do this in remembrance of Me." In the same way, after the supper He took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out for you." (Luke 22:19-20 NIV)

The scene is a familiar one. A family is gathered around the table sharing a meal. However, this gathering feels different. There is a sense of heaviness in the hearts of those at the table. Nonetheless, there is some discussion, a little bit of laughter, and a few tears. The family recognizes the next day their lives will change forever. They had hoped and even prayed that the circumstances could be different. However, the family has to acknowledge that someone they love has made a choice which may not be popular or ideal but necessary. This scene has been repeated over time across this nation as families released their loved ones to go and serve their country overseas. Every year we set aside the last Monday in May to give thanks and remember the sacrifice made by men and women to protect and preserve the freedoms we enjoy in this country. The shed blood of these soldiers reminds us of the high price of freedom. Sadly, those lost in conflict will never sit around that family table again. Their loved ones will have to live the rest of their lives, clinging to their shared memories. How will they carry on without that person? 

A New Family Gathering

Over two thousand years ago there was another family gathering. This meal also felt different. There was a sense of heaviness as the Leader of the family told them He was going away to die for a higher purpose. He tried to help them understand that His death would set them free in a way they could never imagine. They would experience a freedom that reached beyond their present circumstances into the realm of eternity. The family recognizes their lives were going to change forever. What would they do without Him? How would they carry on? The good news is they would be with their Leader again, not on this earth but in the new world He promised to create in which all of His family would dwell. He would rise from the dead so they would not solely be left with memories but with His Presence. Furthermore, they would be able to carry on in His absence by the power of the Holy Spirit which He would send to them.

Eternal Victory

Unlike human conflicts and battles, Jesus fought a battle on another level. It was a spiritual battle for the soul of humanity. Additionally, unlike human conflicts where the battle is not always victorious, Jesus won the victory for all time and eternity! When we remember that last meal Jesus had with His disciples and His subsequent crucifixion, we recognize the high price He paid for our salvation. Each Memorial Day we remember with sadness the lives lost, but in Jesus Christ we remember with gladness the lives won by His resurrection. On Memorial Day we give thanks for the sacrifice of others and everyday we give thanks to God for freedom and eternal life in Jesus Christ!

Thanks be to God!

Pastor Sheree