
Sunday, January 12, 2025

Alabaster Jar

Once in awhile I will be moved to write a poem. This poem was inspired by the story in Luke 7:36-50 where Jesus is anointed by a "sinful" woman. This woman was seen as worthless and not the type of person in whose company you would want to spend any time. She was most likely desperate and somehow had heard where Jesus was dining and decided to take a chance and go to Him. All she had to offer Him was an alabaster jar of perfume. In Jesus' day, an alabaster jar was most precious in a woman's life and was typically part of her marriage dowry. However, it was not likely, because of her past, that this woman was married or betrothed. Nonetheless the jar was her security. It symbolized a significant sacrifice when broken and poured out, signifying deep devotion and love. I believe we all have our own alabaster jar. Something precious that we don't want to hand over to the Lord. I know it is true of me. So, I offer this poem as an encouragement to all who are holding on to whatever we feel represents a sense of security. Pour it out before the Lord, that we may fully experience His love for us in the same way that this "sinful" woman experienced Jesus love for her.


Alabaster jar, what do you contain?

Is it joy or sorrow, maybe comfort or pain?

Various feelings locked deep inside,

Some of them I am seeking to hide.

How can this jar contain any blessing?

Holding it sealed will keep others guessing.

What kind of gift can this be for a King?

Who has given me everything.

"Open the jar", the Spirit gently sighs,

I resist, "Holy Spirit, I don't want to cry.

This jar holds everything I possess, all that is holy in me and my mess."

"Pour it all out, the Spirit did call, offer your gifts, offer them all.

Jesus is wanting to draw close to your heart,

Opening the alabaster jar is the start,

To feel His compassion, to know His deep love,

These are the gifts that come from above.

Remember the woman who poured love on His feet?

You are the daughter, He desires to meet.

Worry not about weeping or being afraid,

Your sins are forgiven, the debt has been paid."

I know it may take some time to comply, 

I know that my Lord gives permission to cry.

And so I will pray, Holy Spirit help me,

To feel more of my Savior's love for me.

(Sheree A. Harrington 12/27/24)

Peace and blessings,

Pastor Sheree

                                         (picture courtesy of Michelle's Mosaics)



  1. Lovely, Sheree. How much God wants to heal our shame! He receives us with such gentle kindness, patiently waiting for us to stop resisting him.

  2. Thank you for your comment. God is good!

  3. Love this, Sheree. Thank you for sharing it. This is one of my favorite accounts and interactions with Jesus

  4. Love this, Sheree. This is one of my favorite stories and encounters with Jesus. You have captured I well and brought to us personally

    1. Thanks, Jeanne. Always appreciate the encouragement.

  5. Thank you Sheree! I am passing this on.

  6. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Thank you for your encouragement!

  8. Expansive, honest, healing, full of encouragement, full of you and Him, so thank you for sharing yourself with us and sharing Him from within

    1. Thank you for your response, Glad it was a blessing!

  9. Beautiful and thought provoking.

  10. Thank you, my friend for the encouragement!

  11. Really beautiful❤️Thank you

  12. Thank you for the kind words of encouragement.

  13. Thank you for this beautiful offering
