Don't Be Afraid!
In Matthew 14:22-32 we read the familiar story of Jesus walking on water. Jesus had sent His disciples ahead by boat to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. In the process the boat began to be buffeted by waves because of strong winds. The disciples were trying their best to make it through the rough waters and get out of the turmoil. Jesus could have let them struggle until they made it to the other side. Instead He "chased" the storm and came to them walking on the water. Initially they were fearful, thinking He was a ghost. However, Jesus reassured them not to be afraid, that it was really Him walking on the water. Peter at this point decided he wanted to chase the storm also, "Lord, if it is You," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." (Matthew 14:28 NIV) Jesus told Peter to come but as he was walking towards Jesus, Peter became afraid of the wind and waves and he began to sink, crying out, "Lord, save me!" (Matthew 14:30 NIV) Jesus did not hesitate to reach out His hand and pull Peter to safety, rebuking him for his lack of faith. Matthew goes on to tell us, "And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshipped Him, saying, "Truly You are the Son of God." (Matthew 14:32-33)Take Courage!
Unlike Jesus, human storm chasers cannot always save people from the poor choices they make or the dangerous weather situations over which there is no control. All people can do is run in the opposite direction away from the storm. However, Jesus never runs away from the storms that enter our lives. He runs towards them, chasing them, and calling on us not to be afraid because He is able to bring calm out of the chaos in our lives. Despite Peter's fear and doubt, he had the initial boldness to step out of the boat in the midst of the turmoil and walk towards Jesus. Do we have the same boldness to trust the Lord when the storms of life overwhelm us? May Jesus' words to His disciples be our encouragement, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid...."Come." (Matthew 14:27;29 NIV)Shalom,
Pastor Sheree
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