
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Love Has A Name

Valentine's Day is once again upon us and the mad rush is underway to buy those last minute tokens that serve as our "expressions" of love. If the average person were asked the question, "What is love?" the answers would run the gamut from the tangible to the intangible. Some would reply that love is a feeling. Others would respond that love is flowers, a diamond ring, or some other tangible representation that defines love. However, if the question were asked "Who is love?" there may be some blank stares or head scratching in searching for an answer. The reality is the Bible provides us with the answer to the question who is love? 1 John 4:16b states simply, "God is love." 

God loved us first.

God demonstrated that love in the sacrificial death of His Son, Jesus Christ. God represents the purest form of love which is called in the Greek "agape" love. Agape love is totally unconditional regardless of what we have done or will do. Agape love does not demand that it be earned through perfection or performance. We as human beings are not fully capable of demonstrating agape love because of our sinfulness but it is the kind of love God seeks to have His followers emulate. In fact 1 John goes on to tell us that all love ultimately comes from God and genuine love is never self-generated by His creatures. "We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19) The token expressions given to those with whom we have a loving relationship are nice but they do not last forever. Flowers eventually wilt and die and candy is eaten leaving behind no tangible evidence of Valentine's Day. Even our "loving feelings" can vary on a day to day basis. However, God's love is not confined to token symbols that fade but God's love in seen in the symbol of the cross and ultimately in the One who died for our sins so that our relationship with God could be restored. 

Love has a name.

Singer/songwriter Kathy Troccoli has a song entitled "Love Has A Name." The chorus goes, "Love has a name, love has a face, and when you know love, you know you're not the same. Love never dies, love never leaves, and when hope is gone, love will believe. Love every day, gives love away, love has a name--Jesus." I encourage you this Valentine's Day to experience the depth of true love found in Jesus Christ.
In His Love,
Pastor Sheree

If you would like to listen to Kathy Troccoli's song "Love Has A Name" enter the following in your search engine.