The corona virus pandemic has certainly changed our world. The ability to move freely from place to place, to come together in large gatherings, and spend time in close proximity to one another has been radically transformed. The disciples world had also been radically altered after Jesus' death. The ability to walk with Him, talk with Him, and eat with Him shifted dramatically after the crucifixion. The rules of the game had changed and the disciples found themselves adopting a new coping strategy. John tells us that the disciples had locked themselves away behind closed doors for fear of the Jews. (John 20:19 NIV) When, in the past, had they ever experienced a situation so dramatic, that it negatively impacted their behavior and the way they did life together? After Jesus' death, the disciples didn't immediately go home to their families, John tells us they were locked behind closed doors together. The text appears to imply there was no family contact out of fear of the consequences. These consequences which could result in potential arrest by the Jews, appeared to be a matter of life or death.
Our current stay at home advisory is not unlike the feelings the disciples may have experienced. We are "locked away" from our loved ones. We dare not venture out too far or have too much physical contact with others, lest we find ourselves in a life or death situation. As the disciples found themselves with their backs against the wall, they received a wonderful surprise, Jesus came to be with them. Jesus knew what was happening and He came to bring peace, the shalom of God, to their anxious hearts. Jesus could have immediately ascended back to His heavenly Father and left the disciples to figure things out on their own. However, even after undergoing torturous suffering and an agonizing death, Jesus after His resurrection came back to take care of His disciples. After confirming that His presence was real, showing them His hands and side, the reaction of the disciples was one of overwhelming joy because as John states, "they saw the Lord." (John 20:20 NIV) For us, Jesus has ascended back to His heavenly Father but He has not left us on our own. His presence is with us through His Holy Spirit. Jesus speaks the same "peace be with you" as He did to his frightened disciples. When we realize that His presence is always with us, we have in essence "seen" the Lord, not with physical but spiritual eyes.
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Sheree